Natural Hair Care & Management
It isn't business. This is PERSONAL.
You are considered a transfer client if:
You had your locks installed by any consultant who is not represented by Candid You.
You have not had your last 3 retightening sessions completed by Candid You.
Minimum requirements for acceptance as a transfer client:
You must be in good standing with most recent Sisterlocks Consultant (exceptions may apply).
Agree to use Sisterlocks(TM) products ONLY.
Agree to make best effort to honor retightning schedule.
Complete transfer evaluation
If you wish to be added to our appointment schedule, you must first complete a transfer evaluation. Call us today to receive instructions on getting started and to gain access.
This video shows one of our transfer Clients with significant amounts of damage within her locks. The locks suffer mainly due to a combination of improper sizing and incomplete looping cycles. This video shows about 8 to 9 months of work. Eventually, we will cut off the damaged ends allowing her to finally enjoy the full benefit of the Sisterlocks(TM) lifestyle.
If you have questions or concerns regarding the condition of your locks, it is extremely important that you address them with your Consultant right away. He or she will be able to explain to you what is going on and more importantly, correct the issues before it becomes permanent damage. If your Consultant doesn't know the answer, they have a strong and competent network of Consultants readily available to them for support.