Natural Hair Care & Management
It isn't business. This is PERSONAL.
How great is our work? See for yourself!
With respect to our Clients' privacy, names have been replaced with their respective client numbers. You may search more photos via social networking sites by typing in the client number using the hashtag symbol.

Client 09A05 started her Sisterlocks(tm) Journey in December of 2013.

Client #CY09A05 started her Sisterlocks(TM) Journey in December of 2013. She is very excited about the progress of her locks and couldn't be happier with the decision to begin this new chapter in her life!

Client #CY05A03 started her Sisterlocks(TM) Journey in November of 2013. She started within days of discovering Sisterlocks! How brave? She is absolutely loving the low maintenance aspect of this lifestyle.

Client #CY04A02 has been locked since October of 2013. Each day, her enthusiasm grows more and more for the love of her locks! She rocks them proudly!

Client #CY06A04 has been locked since November of 2013. She loves her locks and likes to style them in the most beautiful curls!

Client #CY03A01 has been locked since 27 Sep 2013. She has recently cut her hair short leaving her with about 1 to 3 inches of hair. She decided that she couldn't wait to have her Sisterlocks(TM) installed. To accommodate her request for installation, we decided to install locks where feasible and we will continue to add in locks over time as her hair grows out.

Locks are 3 months old and braided back in this photo. Locks have not been retightened here.

Locks are 3 months old and braided back in this photo. Locks have not been retightened here.

This bundle of joy has been locked since December 2013. He really loves mommy for making the choice because he is absolutely petrified of the comb monster! He enjoys the freedom and washing is no longer a pain!

Client #CY12I06 was super excited about her install and can't wait to explore her styling options! She was locked on 18 March 2014.

The Process

Client #CY13SI07 was locked on 2 May 2014. She is a little skeptical yet optimisitc and equally excited about her Sisterlocks Journey. We can't wait to see where it takes her!

Lock Repair Cases.
The repairs shown here were done without disturbing the natural locking process that has already began to occur meaning that they have NOT been taken down and re-locked.